
1. Initial Idea

The initial idea (concept) generally arises from the thorough observation of reality and a skilled knowledge of the many factors that contribute to the realization of the project. In fact, while being able to freely express himself through formal, material and technical choices, the designer must take into account numerous constraints, giving priority to specific… View Article

2. Product development

In the design the idea is progressively elaborated, first with graphic sketches, then through more defined drawings or with the creation of a first three-dimensional study model. These are very important phases as they allow to experiment with the validity and actual feasibility of the project by making continuous corrections and changes. The design finds… View Article

3. Industrial consultancy

Thanks to the collaboration with different realities, MZ CONCEPT has the opportunity to follow its customers throughout the whole product development process from the design up to industrial production. The prototypes  made with 3D printers or with real size or milled scale models (maquette in the automotive sector). The design of the production molds for… View Article