• Look at ordinary things with unordinary eyes

    Vico Magistretti

  • Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder

    “David Hume”


MZ CONCEPT is a young company founded at the beginning of 2018 by an idea of an industrial designer who projected items for industrial production, graduated in PRODUCT DESIGN at the Milan Politecnico, with many specialized courses such as DESIGN FOR PLASTICS 3D MODELLING WITH RHINOCEROSin Milan, and DESIGN & MANAGEMENT OF INTEGRATED SERVICES DEI SERVIZI INTEGRATI at the Department of Science and Engineering of Modena and Reggio Emilia.
The role of the industrial designer is to be the creator of the project of which he develops the shape in relationship to its function,
also studying new technical solutions, experimenting with new materials and production methods, generally with the help of staff and collaborators. This team work is aimed at achieving the best functional, aesthetic and commercial outcome, containing the costs as much as possible and thus favoring the diffusion of the product to the largest possible amount of users.
This is a kind of work in which analyzing and developing several aspects at the same time because no aspect of its development should prevail at the expense of another in order not to compromise the overall quality and feasibility of the project .

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“Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.” –Steve Jobs

thoughts and news

40° Rally di Modena

40° RALLY DI MODENA Maranello (MO) 14-09-2019 Corsa adrenalinica ma ricca di soddisfazioni quella del 40° Rally di Modena, valevole come quarta e ultima tappa COPPA RALLY di zona e atto finale del trofeo “CORRI CON CLIO” zona 5, per l’equipaggio reggiano Ravazzini-Sforacchi della scuderia PUBLIRACE che vincono il titolo di zona e si qualificano… View Article

Read more 21 February 2020

36° Rally di Bassano

Bassano del Grappa (VI) 28-09-2019 Corsa sofferta ma ricchissima di soddisfazioni quella del 36° Rally di Bassano, valevole come ultima prova di campionato International Rally Cup 2019 e atto finale del trofeo Peugeout Competition Pro, per l’equipaggio Zorra-Carbognani della scuderia PUBLIRACE. Vediamo nel dettaglio i risultati della coppia di giovani di San Polo d’Enza (Reggio… View Article

Read more 21 February 2020

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